Even though they often face immigration-related challenges, these women are determined to break the cycle of violence.
The language barrier as well as religious, familial or cultural pressure often push immigrant women to return with their partner. Many of these women also face social isolation, prejudice, and racism. We are here to help!
Real courage is about nevergiving up!
Immigration-related issues
Immigration-related issues are often used by violent partners to control women awaiting their immigration status.
Since 1977, Assistance aux Femmes de Montréal has acquired an expertise that is recognized by various partners who provide services to immigrant women.
We therefore implemented an intervention program and customized services for immigrant women who are victims of domestic violence. Immigrant women who are under the influence and control of their spouse often feel isolated at home and are unfamiliar with their host country, which delays their integration.
Our actions are therefore intended to promote their self-reliance by informing them of their rights and helping them integrate into their new country.
We also help with various immigration-related procedures, such as:
The renewal of their permanent resident card,
Their citizenship application,
The family reunification process,
Their enrollment in French-language courses.
Program for women without legal status in Canada
Our team created this program to meet the needs of women who are victims of domestic violence and who do not have an immigration status in Canada.
The goal is to help them legalize their status by appealing to Immigration Canada on humanitarian grounds.
We assist these women with various procedures, such as helping them apply for a work permit, open a bank account, access social assistance, access medical care, and register for French-language courses.
To reduce the effects of domestic violence after separation, we help our former residents set up protective measures. In addition, mothers and their children continue to receive personalized support services even after they leave the shelter.
Saviez-vous que?
La violence conjugale est le résultat d'une escalade de comportements en 4 phases orchestrés par l'agresseur?
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